
Ron Krueger

Ron is the owner and operator of A Plus Wildlife Control. He received degrees in Recreation, Outdoor Education, and Wildlife Management from Hocking College and Ohio University.  He also attended National Animal Control Association Training Academy.  Ron has received 40 hours of training in bat management.  He received this training from the only bat management program offered nationally in the wildlife industry.

Ron’s Career

Ron started at the National Park Service, Blue Ridge Parkway, VA as a Park Ranger. There, wildlife management included fish censes reporting, nuisance bear management and beaver relocation due to destructive impact on lakes.  Ron transferred to Cuyahoga Valley National Park in Ohio in 1991. Wildlife management duties extended to protective law enforcement services to reduce poaching activity of white tail deer.  Later, Ron became a urban Animal Control Officer for the City of Cleveland Heights, OH. This job included an experience with all types of domestic and wildlife management. This job included assisting residents with nuisance wildlife problems such as skunks, raccoons, and bats.


Ron is a member of the National Wildlife Control Operators Association(NWCOA)where he has served as a Regional Director.
Ron is a member of the Ohio Wildlife Control Operators Association (OWCOA) where he is the Treasurer.

Interview on At Home With Gary Sullivan

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